Our world needs practitioners of spiritual paths, but these paths sometimes require too much commitment in return for some people.
Those who practice and who feel the benefits of this practice should lead by example, and seek to inspire those who have not yet found their Way.
This isn’t a matter of convincing or converting others to our practice, but rather of conducting ourselves in such a way that we naturally inspire those who encounter us to want to know more.
As practitioners on a way of inner development, it is good to share knowledge with those who have sincere questions.
I’m going to try to do this through my books now.
The books that I write are signposts to a new era: a time of questioning a system that no longer works and which demands we seize the reins of personal responsibility.
The books that I write are signposts to a new era: a time of questioning a system that no longer works and which demands we seize the reins of personal responsibility.
The ancient traditions allow us to individually evolve in a manner which extends to all human beings.
This personal evolution, this awareness through introspection, allows us to shape a better world; to be more attentive to our lives and our loved ones, less inclined towards easy money and consumption.
This possibility of re-discovery of the true values of our human condition reside in three areas that are the subjects of my books:
- The knowledge of the self (through exercises and a direct experience of self),
- The understanding of the other (through being more attentive)
- The vision of a more just World (by a practice of the principles of our universe).
Throughout my books, I seek only to encourage the reader to ask themselves questions about their life, their relationship to others and their perception of their world.
- The knowledge of the self (through exercises and a direct experience of self),
- The understanding of the other (through being more attentive)
- The vision of a more just World (by a practice of the principles of our universe).
Throughout my books, I seek only to encourage the reader to ask themselves questions about their life, their relationship to others and their perception of their world.
The Tradition I am talking about does not require exotic words, does not ask us to buy "silk pajamas", nor follow a diet based solely on rice: it is a Way for people who function in the World, who have a family and a job, who have friends and concerns.
Since this is a practice Tradition, which accepts the everyday and does not require isolation or retreat from the World, it is perfectly suited to our hectic lives.
There is no need to talk about meditation but instead, "training of the mind", nor energy exercises (being just the movements of our breath) ...
In simplifying, we allow everyone access to this tradition.
Through the dissemination of these exercises and ideas, which after all are only methods to better live our lives, we help our world: everyone who pays a little more attention to their emotions, to others and to the World contributes to the development of a “kinder” world.
What are these exercises?
They are simple, but they change everything, as reminders of awareness which require us to pay close attention to our behavior:
- Pay attention to the noise we produce by our inattention,
- Listen to people without interrupting them and then speak in turn,
- Take stock of our day before going to bed at night,
- Take care to think about and watch what we eat.
These are examples of acts of attention that require nothing more than some mindfulness of our actions.
- Pay attention to the noise we produce by our inattention,
- Listen to people without interrupting them and then speak in turn,
- Take stock of our day before going to bed at night,
- Take care to think about and watch what we eat.
These are examples of acts of attention that require nothing more than some mindfulness of our actions.
There are also exercises that require a little more time:
- For the body,
- For the breath,
- For the mind.
- For the body,
- For the breath,
- For the mind.
These are exercises that teach something about the self, by repetition and attention.
For the body, we seek to make it stronger, more flexible and free of tension in order to facilitate communication with the mind.
For the body, we seek to make it stronger, more flexible and free of tension in order to facilitate communication with the mind.
By working with an awareness of the breath, we increase our vitality with ease and let ourselves be more open to life and to others.
For the mind, through an awareness of our inner functioning, we develop a better relationship with our emotions and we understand the movement of our thoughts ... Our mind belongs to us once again!
Whoever they may be, if a person seeks to increase their self-knowledge, if they pay more attention to others and to their world, they will be a happier person for it.
I intend on writing books that will allow people to get a taste of these insights, and to build a kinder world together: not by cramming people with exotic words or nebulous concepts, but by teaching them to pay attention to themselves, to those around them and by respecting the world in which they live.